Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Aristotle on Moral Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Aristotle on Moral Responsibility - Essay Example A person is not morally responsible for an action if he or she does not know the possible consequences of his actions prior to the performance of that action, according to Aristotle. By such standards Aristotle tells us about the moral responsibility on a person for his or her actions. In this essay we will talk about the Aristotle’s take on moral responsibility of person for his or her actions. The voluntary acts and involuntary acts will be defined and how moral responsibility is a function of moral character will also be explained according to Aristotle. The film Dead Man Walking will also be discussed and its scenes will be analyzed keeping in mind the writings of Aristotle. Moral responsibility is defined by Aristotle to some extent through his concept of voluntary and involuntary acts. Moral responsibility can also be determined through the knowledge of consequences of the actions prior to the performance of those actions. Moral responsibility is also determined through the concept of impulsive and deliberate actions. A person is also morally responsible for inaction in certain situations therefore this is also a criteria through which moral responsibility can be determined. All these determinants of moral responsibility will be discussed in the paper. Aristotle talks about voluntary and involuntary acts. An act according to him is involuntary if a person has no control on his actions. Moral responsibility of an action does not lie on a person if he or she is forced to perform an action. An example would be that of a person who loses his cell phone and wallet to a thief at the gun point. Such actions that are not voluntary and performer of such actions cannot be held morally responsible for it. The definition of involuntary actions, by Aristotle, is very restricted and narrow. He believes that an action is only involuntary if the agent is not taking any willful part in the action himself. A person may be under force but

Monday, February 10, 2020

The Maastricht Treaty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

The Maastricht Treaty - Essay Example The treaty, according to Europa (2007) came about as a result of the impetus provided by the collapse in communism in Eastern Europe and the reunification of Germany. It caused Europeans leaders to feel that they should reassert themselves once more on the international scene. Internally also, there was the feeling that the timing was right to capitalize on the gains made by the Single European Act, by adding more reforms (Europa, 2007). In order to qualify for membership in the Union, two sets of requirements referred to as convergences and stability criteria, has to be achieved in their respective economies of prospective applicants, and the attainment will ensure the European Union achieve and maintain an optical currency area, according to Euro Economics (2009). Inflation was high on the convergence and stability agenda, as applicants were mandated to have no more than 1.5% above the lowest three members of the union. This performance enables all members to have similar monetary policies and prevents the development of asymmetric shocks within the financial operating system (Euro Economics, 2009). In terms of the deficit, the Maastricht Treaty requires prospective Member States incur a maximum of 3% of their GDP, while for the debt load they had report figures below 60% of the Gross Development Product, according to Euro Economics, (2009).